Comments: How Does He Sleep At Night
Heh, I shot him a quick email, which I will reprint here verbatim:
Hey there sport, Regarding your latest column ("the left hates Bush, blah blah blah" ... "liberal bogeymen, blah blah blah"), you might want to pay attention to where the fiercest opposition to Miers' appointment is coming from: your own party. The ship is sinking, get off while you can!Love,
Posted by rusty at October 9, 2005 08:22 PM
I knew it! Ann Coulter is really a liberal! I knew it the whole time!
Posted by Joe at October 9, 2005 09:29 PM
you'd read this column and think some elitist Democrat that went to Harvard Law was saying Ivy Leaguers only need apply.
In fairness to Mr. Wooten, a Georgia Democrat that went to Columbia Law did say something like that.***
But the site-stats suggest that Wooten doesn't read my blog . . .
*** SMU?! Seriously?
Posted by Emcee Fleshy at October 16, 2005 09:05 PM
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