Comments: Hackett's Rude Awakening: Part Two

But, the netroots is easily deceived. They bitch all day about the Democrats needing to offer "real liberals" who present "real contrasts" and then they flock behind candidates like Hackett instead of a Brown.

You're right they had little influence on the past election other than to occasionally shift discussion in the mainstream media. In the case of Hackett, they care more about winning than maintaining any intellectual honesty, which is a funny position for people with little influence to take.

Posted by rusty at December 13, 2005 07:31 AM

That is a fine position for them to take in rural Cincinatti or East Cobb (caring only about winning) etc. But when an actual "Democrat" can win I don't understand it.

Posted by chris at December 13, 2005 11:30 AM

Maybe they care if the "real" Democrat can actually get anything done once he's in office - and if he is bona fide, there are chances he won't

Posted by keys at December 16, 2005 01:48 PM

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