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June 24, 2004
Hello again
Here's something to chew on. The chairman of the "Democrats for Bush" organization didn't vote for George Bush in the primary this year. He didn't vote for the flag or a Democrat, either. Just didn't vote. Strange how apathy can set in at even the highest levels isn't it? That or he just can't bring himself to vote as a Republican but can't stomach the Democrats anymore either. Regardless, it's a bizarre spectacle we're all witness to.
Posted by Chris at June 24, 2004 12:37 AM
I'll bet you cannot name 10 other people who did vote for Bush in a primary this year. Why vote when the outcome is certain?
Posted by: Steve at June 24, 2004 12:37 PM
Yeah, this seems like a silly point Chris.
In other GA "Dems" for Bush news, did you hear that Zell is going to speak at the GOP convention?
Posted by: stress at June 25, 2004 09:57 PM
Chris, ever thought of taking up needlepoint?
Your Blog has an aimless quality that's kinda eery...a little like picking fly poop out of pepper. Best as we can guess,your interested in party politics at some regional or local level. Do you know that there is a war going on? That Reagan died? (Kerry did also). Ever hear of the genocide going on in the Sudan? ( Or that the UN has turned it's back on this?). Hint: You might take a stab at an "About Us" or a "What we stand for" section on your homepage. Meantime,have a nice life.
Posted by: Chuck at June 26, 2004 02:08 PM
Chuck - I suggest you take a grammar lesson before you put up a post on someone's blog bashing them. The word "your" is an adjective. The contraction "you're" is short for "you are."
Posted by: Observer at June 27, 2004 07:03 PM
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