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June 15, 2004

Memo to Jim Wooten

Dear Jim: If this stuff really bothers you then advocate some sort of tax increase to pay for it. At the very least, stop supporting tax cuts that aren't matched by guarantees of offsetting spending cuts (not just the promise of cuts).

The odd thing is, I can't tell if Wooten would rather more people qualify for state assisted health care or if he thinks better off people should replace the "lazy" poor people who are currently eligible for assistance. Since he doesn't offer any solution beyond proclaiming "it's wrong" I must admit that I'm kind of confused as to why he wrote the article in the first place.

It's funny...when Democrats appeared above Republicans on the ballot because the of the old "party of the Governor" clause Wooten advocated immediate repeal of the law. What a pressing issue! Now that there is a medicaid crisis it's ok to bemoan the fate of those affected but god forbid government actually grow to help them. What's a compassionate conservative to do?

Posted by Chris at June 15, 2004 11:56 PM


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