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June 21, 2004
You Mean LaMutt Don't you?
I've got to hand it to Robert LaMutt for making the first really memorable campaign spot of the election cycle. In years past Bob Barr would usually take this distinction but LaMutt's use of a talking dog will probably be the most memorable positive ad of the primary election cycle.
Posted by Chris at June 21, 2004 12:21 PM
I think what is more memorable is that the dog in the commercial, Ollie, belongs to none other than Dan McLagan, Sonny Perdue's communications director. What is more remarkable is that Dan does not live alone, but in a house with two other republican men. I guess it is a GOP Animal House. I do not think i would want to see that movie.
I know Dan is making a government salary, but I would think he would be able to afford his own place.
Posted by: Stephanie at June 28, 2004 09:48 PM
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