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September 10, 2004

Born on 3rd

People have said before that George Bush thinks he hit a triple in life when in actuality he was born on 3rd base. It's true. Getting elected Governor, President, etc are no small feats, but surely not just anyone can get in the position where it's even possible. It usually takes a lot of hard work to even have the chance.

I don't mean to suggest that Bush isn't a skilled politician, or even intelligent. If he had been born Tom Smith then Tom Smith might be President today. Who knows. But surely he has benefited from a priviledged upbringing and one of the ways he benefited was getting a much sought after Texas Air National Guard slot without having to wait or do much else at all.

Had I been 25 years old in 1968 I probably would have wanted to get in the National Guard and I may even have slacked off on duty if I thought I could get away with it. I don't think Americans really care about this. But what surprises me is that they don't seem to care about the fact that Bush is obviously lying when he insists he got no special treatment.

Of course he did! And that should tell you everything you need to know about George W. Bush and his political handlers. When faced with even a potential problem, like what Americans will think of someone who was young and irresponsible when he was young and irresponsible, they'd rather try and get away with a lie then just own up to the truth. It's kind of ironic...I doubt that the National Guard Story will ultimately bring down Bush, but what could have been a 1 day story in 1994 or 1999 now has legs.

It really is amazing that we've let Bush frame this entire election through the prism of consistency. We've got one candidate who changes his mind, and over a period of nearly 40 years has modified or abandoned his stance on a number of issues -- haven't you? Certainly Zell Miller has changed his tune and nobody seems to mind. And we've got another candidate who is so consistent he won't even stop being disingenous about a mistruth so petty that no one would even care. And we must elect that man! Because he knows exactly what he wants to do. It doesn't even matter what it is he wants to do, or that actually his opponent has some really good ideas. But whatever.

Posted by Chris at September 10, 2004 05:49 PM


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