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September 03, 2004
Bush's Speech & Taxes
I thought Bush gave a great speech tonight. His vision for the future sure sounds wonderful, of course the problem is that half of it sounded great four years ago and hasn't happened and the other half is totally impractical.
He proposes massive new spending and also says that the tax code will be "reformed" and simplified. I think "simple" probably means that the great majority of us will pay more than we currently do in a higher flat tax or a 30% (not 23%) national sales tax.
Look, the average person in this country makes less than $40,000 a year and incurs more and more debt annually -- that means they aren't saving anything and they are spending more money than they make. Currently, they pay a certain percentage on their income that maybe, and this is a maybe, totals 15% (we're talking averages).
When you include payroll and state taxes that may total 30%. And now they want to get rid of just the income portion of taxes (keeping payroll, state and local taxes) and put a 30% flat tax on consumption. 98% of Americans will pay more in taxes and many of them will pay taxes each year on more money than they make because of the spiral of debt that the President's own policies encourage.
Simplifying the tax code does not necessarily make it better. And that pretty much sums up the Bush philosophy -- doing anything is always preferable to doing nothing regardless of what is done. And if results matter in only the most superficial of ways to you, then he's your man. Otherwise, you've got options. I'm voting for John Kerry, but you've also got Nader, Badnarik and others. If you're not happy with the direction of this country, check them all out and make an informed decision.
Posted by Chris at September 3, 2004 12:35 AM
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