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September 28, 2004

CNN says, She Says

The Kerry campaign releases a new ad that criticizes President Bush for not having a plan in Iraq. And then a CNN analyst (not sure who) more or less says 'but that's not true. Bush wants to hold elections, turn over security to Iraqis and stabilize the country.'

Furthermore, according to CNN (and Bush adviser Terry Holt), that plan sounds a lot like Kerry's. Well, fine. What CNN should report is that two people can have the same basic plan but one of them could be utterly incompetent at carrying it out.

This is more or less the pattern that every single governor's race in the history of the United States has played out. Neither candidate really proposes anything radical and oftentimes the challenger's message is wholly summed up with "I'll do the things this guy says he'll do better."

But when John Kerry says it all of a sudden he's being a disingenous liar. To CNN, Iraq is a multiplication problem. George Bush isn't good at multiplication, John Kerry is. But hey, since they are both trying to multiply, what's the difference?

Posted by Chris at September 28, 2004 04:40 PM


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