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September 10, 2004

Democrats for Bush

One thing I don't understand is how you could self-ID as a partisan Democrat and then say you are supporting Bush. Of course I don't deny the existence of ticket splitting or the feeling of disgruntlement with your own party's nominee (in fact I encourage my Republican friends to embrace that nagging feeling).

The thing about Bush though is that he is the most partisan President to come along in probably close to 100 years. Whether it's just devoting enormous among of time and money to campaigning for the defeat of Democrats or cynically manipulating national issues for partisan gain, winning elections for Republicans is about the only thing that Bush seems really genuinely into.

And then there's redistricting. I suspect most of the Democratic support that Bush has comes from "Charlie Stenholm" Democrats -- conservative whites from rural areas. The big problem with this of course is that Bush, Rove and DeLay are doing literally everything in their power to get rid of white, conservative Democrats from rural areas. First they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to beat them in the midterm elections, and when that didn't work they made a much better investment in the Texas Legislature to redraw the districts more favorable to their own team.

The Justice Department said "A-OK with us!" even though a number of incumbents were paired in unusually shaped districts. In fact, the Bush justice department has been unusually inconsistent when it comes to partisan redistricting -- fighting and intimidating Democratic legislatures and states that enganged in it while putting a rush on approval to states like Colorado and Texas who didn't just gerrymandered but went an extra step and did it in a non dicennial year.

Some Democrats for Bush, like Zell Miller clearly don't want the Democratic Party to exist after this election. But if you do you should think twice about supporting a man who will do everything he can to destroy your party over the next four years.

Posted by Chris at September 10, 2004 10:04 AM


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