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September 24, 2004

Doing What's Right

From a strategic standpoint, I'm not sure that Kerry's all out focus on Iraq is the way to win the election. Then again, I'm not sure that an all out focus on the economy and the middle class squeeze is either. But I do think that focusing on the huge f*ck up that is Iraq is the right thing to do.

History is littered with people who stood for the right thing at the wrong time. Maxing out on lies and cynicism will backfire on you eventually, but in Bush's case it might not backfire before November 2nd. If it doesn't, and I'm John Kerry, I think I'd want to look back on this whole bizarre year and say that I did what was right, and presented to the American people a choice that, regardless of who wins, years from now will seem so much better than the alternative.

Here is Kerry's speech to NYU from September 20th. It's pretty solid. According to some recent polling Americans overwhelmingly expect Bush to prevail in the debates. Here's some cautious optimism that they might be wrong.

Posted by Chris at September 24, 2004 09:20 PM


I agree that it is the right thing to do win or loose, but I also think it is the right thing tactically.

There are many reasons to be glad Dean is not the nominee, but he was right about one vital thing; Voters are more comfortable with a candidate who they disagree with but has a clear, strong position than one whom they agree with but seems unsure if they are right.

This concept is expanded a little more by Brad Delong here:

In a nutshell, *no* position is worse tactically than *any* strongly held position. A candidate who seem not to want to fully engage will be seen as weak and cowardly. Last week Kerry was not coming accross as weak or cowardly.

Posted by: smokefilleddoom [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 26, 2004 04:40 PM

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