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September 22, 2004

Grassroots Superstar!

I think it's neat that what remains of the Dean campaign is going to adopt a Senate campaign in order to raise money for them and I guess donate volunteer hours. What I don't think is neat is that Barack Obama is one of their choices and, I'm guessing, has a good shot of winning. I think he could stop campaigning today and still get at the very least 55% of the vote on election day. People might feel good about giving money to a guaranteed winner but it's about as useful as giving money to someone you know is going to lose.

On the other hand, Denise Majette in Georgia could really use the money. She hasn't benefited from nearly a year of running (virtually) unopposed like Brad Carson, Inez Tennenbaum, Erskine Bowles, Ken Salazar and Tony Knowles have. Picking Majette would also fulfill Dean's primary campaign desire to remain competitive in the South.

Now that it looks like the DSCC is trying to run away from a winnable race in Georgia, it's also the perfect time to stick it to the man/entrenched party apparatus by boosting up Majette. Help us out in Georgia and stick it to the DSCC. What a great way to spend a dollar, or $2,000! It's something to think about...

Posted by Chris at September 22, 2004 12:21 AM


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