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September 20, 2004

It Ain't Me

One thing that upsets me is that the media and the GOP claim that the DNC got the name "Fortunate Son" from a discredited book that was released during the Bush/Gore campaign.

Sorry, but "Fortunate Son" is a song by Credence about draft avoidance for rich kids during the Vietnam war. That's where the book author got the name from. To suggest that the DNC is cribbing this title from some book that came out in 2000 tries to paint them as co-conspirators when actually it just happens to be a good name for what Bush is.

CNN should at least point out that it was a song title 30 years before it was a discredited book. But, what will more likely happen is that by next week most Americans will think Burkett is the author of a book called "Fortunate Son" that contains forged national guard documents.

Posted by Chris at September 20, 2004 02:54 PM


I think CNN either was assuming that people knew it was a song or deemed CCR irrelevant to the story.

But "Fortunate Son" should've been used in a TV ad by the Texans for Truth people to counteract the Swift Boat ads.

Posted by: ajc [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 20, 2004 03:16 PM

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