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September 20, 2004

Memo to Zell Miller

It's possible to dislike John Kerry without endorsing George Bush. Here's Zell's advice to Georgia Democrats.

Now, I would ask Zell: In 1972 when you brag about distancing yourself from George McGovern, does that mean you voted and worked to elect Richard Nixon? Because it seems to me that, being a national figure, if you gave two cents about the Democratic Party, maybe back in 2003 you would have championed a candidate you liked, or barring their existence, run for the nomination yourself. But instead, you announced early your support for George W. Bush.

And even though you don't understand this logic, that's why a lot of Democrats don't take you seriously anymore. When practically everyone at the Democratic Party of Georgia was working publicly or privately for a John Edwards win, you were nowhere. And my guess is, in late 2005 or early 2006, without doing anything to help champion a Democratic candidate, you will offer your endorsement to Sonny Perdue. And then you will lambast the Democratic Party of Georgia for not embracing Sonny Perdue.

And in a way, you have a point. Distancing ourselves from one of our candidates is not always a bad idea. I can think of a candidate we should have distanced ourselves from in 2000, 1994, 1990, 1986, 1982, 1980, 1978, 1974, 1966, 1964 and 1962.

UPDATE: Another thing I'd ask Zell is, do you think you did the right thing in 1972?

Posted by Chris at September 20, 2004 10:09 AM


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