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September 02, 2004

Oh My God!

Zell Miller's speech to the RNC was the worst speech that I have ever seen in my life. The man has become a very sad joke. If you missed it, the basic theme was that we shouldn't have an election during a war and that if John Kerry were a true patriot he'd just support George Bush and let him win the election.

But there was more, too. Zell spent the entire speech lying about Kerry's record, claiming that Kerry wouldn't attack another country without UN approval. Kerry's recent answer to how he would vote on giving the President the authority to go to war, while I thought it was a poor answer, pretty much closes the door on Kerry needed permission to attack. Then just in case that was too subtle for you, Zell insisted that Kerry would ask Paris if it were OK, just to get some good French bashing in there too.

Then in what I think is one of the most confused logical jumps I've ever seen, Zell talks about how American troops are "liberators", not "occupiers" and then slams John Kerry for voting against a bunch of fighter jets that dropped thousands of bombs on Iraq and Afghanistan. I mean, good lord Zell we support our troops and want them to be seen as liberators, but maybe talking about how great it is to drop bombs on Iraq (where more than 10,000 "grateful" Iraqis have died since the war started) is not the best way to do it.

David Gergen on CNN said it's important to remember that Zell started his career working for the racist and hateful Lester Maddox and now he's come full circle.

Literally, every single decision Zell and his speechwriters had to make was made incorrectly. There are very legitimate criticisms of both parties (although Zell can't deliver them because only the Democrats can do wrong in his eyes) and there are things you can say about John Kerry that aren't below the belt or just outright lies (Dick Cheney, when in Congress, voted against many of the military programs that Zell chastises Kerry for opposing). Why send Zell up there to be a fountain of anger and then list a bunch of weapons systems?

The man has truly lost it. The Republicans painted a caricature of Howard Dean during the primaries as crazy and hateful, but tonight Zell Miller showed the world that he is 100 times worse. After tonight, the fact that Zell Miller and I aren't voting for the same person for President is oddly reassuring.

Posted by Chris at September 2, 2004 09:43 AM


The Roosevelt/Wilkie anecdote was without doubt the most irritating for me in retrospect.

Posted by: rusty [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 2, 2004 11:07 AM

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