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September 04, 2004
Spare us, Iowa & New Hampshire Edition
From the Washington Post:
Adam Schibley, 19, of Lebanon, N.H., voted for Kerry in the state's January primary but is still making up his mind about November."Both conventions have been convincing and pretty powerful, but I think they are too much about the past and not enough about what the candidates are going to do if they win," he said before Bush spoke. Afterward, he said he thought the president's self-deprecation made him seem "more likable."
"I was looking for him to acknowledge that the war in Iraq was costing American lives, and he did that. I was looking for him to talk about issues that are important to college students, and he did that, but not enough," Schibley said. "I didn't like how negative the Republican convention was. It seemed like Kerry made an effort not to smear Bush, but that didn't happen here. Why can't they just point out differences and move on?"
This better than anything I've seen lately spells out the problem with the primary system. This asshole obviously didn't do any research back in January and just went along with the bandwagon. Why even vote if you're going to vote like this? I mean, seriously, when was the last time a Presidential primary winner lost votes among his own primary voters in the general. Ridiculous.
Posted by Chris at September 4, 2004 07:17 PM
Chris: It may not be widely understood that many voters in New Hampshire are registered as independents. Did you know that a registered independent in New Hampshire can vote in either the Democratic or Republican Primary? Your assumption that John Kerry would receive Adam Schibley's vote in the general election might hold true in other states, however not necessarily in New Hampshire. A vote for a particual candidate in our primary is not a de-facto vote for the same candidate in the general election.
Posted by: New Hampshire Voter at September 30, 2004 12:00 PM
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