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September 21, 2004

Who is Liz Macdougald?

So we know that "Buckhead" posted anonymously about the memos on FreeRepublic.com within four hours of CBS airing them. We also know that someone named Liz Macdougald began e-mailing conservative blogs like Powerline telling people that they needed to read Buckhead's post. Later we learned that "Buckhead" was an Atlanta lawyer named Harry MacDougald who writes non-anonymous letters to the editor of the AJC and has even been profiled as a Republican "people's lawyer."

Now I can report that MacDougald's wife is named Jane E Francis. AKA Jane E MacDougald. AKA Jane Elizabeth Francis. Or Liz MacDougald. So why would MacDougald post anonymously and then use his wife's name and email to generate traffic to his post. Why not just post using his real name?

Posted by Chris at September 21, 2004 08:47 AM


the common blog wisdom is that self promoting bloggers are less successful then the self promoting bloggers who make up enough screennames to promote in the blogosphere. "liz" knows this

also, this could just have been a post outing macdougald and nothing more

Posted by: Shannon Marietta [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 21, 2004 01:04 PM

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