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May 29, 2005

Bipartisan Sham

The recent House vote on stem cell research has been heralded by the media as a great moment in bipartisanship. Really? Just 50 out of 230 Republicans that voted crossed the aisle to vote with the pro-stem cell research faction (Georgia's G7 was unanimously opposed). 14 of 201 Democrats voted against the bill.

I understand that the media have a hard time understanding numbers, especially when the denominator is 435 instead of something easy like 100. But if the Senate were to vote in the same manner as the House, you'd have 12 Republicans voting for, the rest against with 3 Democrats, and the rest of the Democrats for the bill. The grand total would be 54-46 in favor of the bill. So bipartisan, in fact, that Republicans could easily filibuster this legislation to prevent Bush from having to veto it.

I wonder how that great moderate Johnny Isakson will vote on the bill? After all, this is the one issue (abortion politics) that he is sometimes moderate on. My guess is that Isakson has determined that being a conservative Republican is the best and easiest way to stay popular and get re-elected in Georgia. So he'll most likely vote no.

Posted by Chris at May 29, 2005 10:50 AM


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