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October 04, 2005
I know I promised new updates to the Georgia District Map page, and that is coming. I've been slammed with a lot of web stuff and haven't had a time to finalize it. In the meantime, I hope you'll find some functionality out of the site search box on the left.
Unlike traditional site searches on movable type which load a new page of results, this search box utilizes a technology called "AJAX" to display your results almost instantaneously without reloading the page. You can even scroll through the results and read an excerpt of the pages that match your query before you click to go to that page.
Sorry, but at this time the site search box searches for an exact match. "Mark Taylor" will probably turn up a result but "Taylor Perdue" would only turn up a result if I used the words Taylor Perdue back to back in an entry, and not if the words Taylor and Perdue just happened to appear in an entry together. At the present time, just stick to one word searches.
Posted by Chris at October 4, 2005 06:04 AM
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