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October 17, 2005
Floating a Trial Balloon
Thanks to alert reader BG
Sonny Perdue is out of the country, which is a convenient place to be if you don't want to comment on something. While he's out of town, an associate of his, Anthony Scott Hobbs is leading an anti-immigration rally at the state Capitol. Could this be a GOP trial balloon?
It's a good way to measure sentiment to what could be the issue that rescues a dwindling Republican party from their emerging national scandals (they even have a farm team here in Georgia). If the public responds well to the media coverage generated by the test rally, you can be sure Perdue will begin to focus his compassionate conservative beam on this issue when he gets back. If not, well he was out of town and the kids found the keys to the liquor cabinet.
Shrewd move on his part.
Posted by Chris at October 17, 2005 12:03 PM
Apparently they had to pay homeless men $50 to hold up signs at the rally.
Got to love these people.
Posted by: stephaniemill at October 17, 2005 03:15 PM
Heh. That one didn't work out so well for them. I treminds me of the stories in 2000 of the Gore campaign handing out cigarettes to homeless people so they'd vote.
Posted by: rusty at October 19, 2005 11:42 AM
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