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November 08, 2005
Crossover Voter?
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Republican Cox (with a K) is miffed that Perdue won't guarantee a positive campaign in the event that he squares off against Democrat Cox (with a C) in the general election. Kathy fears that a barrage of negative attacks against someone with the same name as her could spell doom when voters head to the polls. And since she barely has enough money in her campaign account to buy a TV, much less television advertising to beef up her positives, we think that fear is justified.
It's speculated that Cox, the belle of the Republican statewide prom, might encourage her friends and family to crossover to the Democratic primary and support Mark Taylor. Sonny, we hear, has little sympathy. Live by the confused name identification, die by the confusing name association, as the old saying goes. Free Chrisishardcore advice: Spend less time practicing your "mug for the camera" face and more time raising money. Even Joe Bembry raises more money than you.
Posted by Chris at November 8, 2005 02:28 AM
Posted by: MEM at November 8, 2005 03:22 PM
wow chris. after a week without a post, three posts in one day. its like some sort of pent up blogasm. well done.
Posted by: Ben K at November 8, 2005 10:18 PM
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