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January 09, 2006
Oh My God!
This is like the worst idea I've ever read. Let's just put a critical state representative in charge of MARTA! She runs a small art gallery successfully -- that's equivalent to running a multi-million dollar cash strapped public agency. Why not? She can't do worse than the current gang in charge.
Among Jill's criticisms that show she doesn't exactly do that great of a job overseeing MARTA:
- Critical of MARTA for buying soap because they don't have public restrooms -- they do
- Critical of MARTA for hedging their fuel costs with natural gas and gas futures contracts because one such contract was purchased from Enron -- at a time when Enron was the darling of Wall Street -- fuel hedging is crucial for the transportation industry, just ask Delta if it wishes it had locked in better prices for its fuel
- Critical of MARTA for focus group testing new fare technology to see what types of questions, concerns and problems average riders would have with the system, and also how to better market it to increase ridership -- Just about every company that deals in technology uses focus groups to develop, launch and improve their new technologies.
So if you think someone who bitches at MARTA for buying soap because she doesn't even know that some transit stations have public restrooms WHILE she was chair of a MARTA oversite committee should now be put in charge of the organization, and you sit on the board of a company in an industry that I know nothing about, then I am currently looking for a job as CEO of your company.
Posted by Chris at January 9, 2006 12:46 PM
Forcing her to learn would do more to advance transit for the region than anything I can think of.
Besides, they need a reform-minded GM.
If you think the Dems can do better, you're being a selective partisan.
Posted by: Joe at January 9, 2006 01:37 PM
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