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May 07, 2006


Charles Bullock told the Macon Telegraph:

While they're [Taylor/Cox] stuck catering to political extremes in their own party - before the winner tries to make a dash back to the middle - Perdue can play things mainstream, Bullock said.

As the premiere political educator and commentator in the state, you'd think he could give less of a hack quote. Mark Taylor's television commercials have so far been about the lottery for education, pre-K kindergarten, children's healthcare coverage, grocery tax cuts and increased penalties for criminals.

I'm not sure what Cathy Cox's television ads will highlight, but judging from the new covenant posted on her website, it seems they will also be healthcare and education heavy.

I guess it's no secret that the African American share of the primary electorate will be about twice as large as that in the general election, and as far as I can tell this is what Bullock and other commentators must mean when they talk about pandering to extremes, because on an issue basis both Democratic candidates are so far very in the mainstream of what an overwhelming majority of voters want to talk about. If they don't see the irony in thinking that one or two candidates in this race have pandered to racial extremes while Perdue won't have any such baggage, then I guess that says a lot about the state of political commentary in Georgia.

Posted by Chris at May 7, 2006 06:57 PM


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